
8 de jul. de 2013

AEROSOFT Flight Sim Commander V9.3

What it is:

FlightSim Commander is a professional flight planner, GPS, Moving Map and navigation tool for Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin Prepar 3D. Being a  stand-alone program, FlightSim Commander can also be used in a network or with single-monitor or multi-monitor systems.The program includes among many features:

- flight planning for entire routes or route segments
- display of both ground and airborne AI traffic,
- real-world and user waypoint database,
- North Atlantic Tracks and PACOTs,
- automatic Logbook and Blackbox recording,
- control zone checks for VFR flights,
- GPS with real-time display of all relevant parameters,
- Navigation Data display of all relevant informations,
- procedure generator and fuel calculator,
- SIDs/STARs/Transitions and route segments,
- approach charts including missed approaches
- printable airport layout charts
- ©VATSIM and ©IVAO support
- ©GoogleEarth support 
System Requirements:
Apart from Flight Simulator you need at least 
Windows XP SP3, WIN 7 or higher.
FlightSim Commander does not run on Windows 98.

For connecting FlightSim Commander with Flight Simulator you need a version of Peter Dowson's FSUIPC.DLL 3.9x or higher (for FS2004) or FSUIPC4  4.9x or higher (for FSX - Prepar3D).

If you wish to use FlightSim Commander in a network, you also need Peter Dowson's WideFS package.

All these modules are available on most of the standard well-known flightsim-related websites and forums. You can also go directly to Peter Dowson's web site where these and other useful modules can be downloaded. Peter's site also offers many detailed descriptions, documentations, translations, and tutorials.

Avaliable in torrent. File Size: 127.88Mb
Download Button 1700x1000

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