
16 de jan. de 2013

Aerosoft - Airbus X Extended 1.03b Hotfix 004

Aqui está o Hotfix 004, para o Update 1.03b, que soluciona problemas ligados a planejador de combustível.

Descrição em inglês:

These files should solve an issue with the Fuel Planner that saves it's state to an incorrect folder.
This fix is intended only for people who have a problem with this, it is of very minor importance for the vast majority of users.

The hot fix contains:
  • FSXMainFolder\Aerosoft\Airbus X Extended\Aerosoft.AirbusX\FuelPlanner.exe
Unzip the attached file to the main FSX folder, overwriting all existing files.

Arquivo disponível no 4Shared e MediaFire. Tamanho: 57KB

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